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Steam petz dogz 2

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BUT, when it installed on my computer, it created a folder for all of the game files, and in that folder were two files, msvcrt.dll and msvcirt.dll which I recognized from the Dogz 5 error.

  • Installing Petz 4 worked, but I couldn't play it.
  • steam petz dogz 2

    I ended up downloading Petz 4 from here, thinking that if I couldn't have Petz 5, an older version might satisfy me:.However, when you try to open the game with Wine by clicking Petz 5.exe, the loading screen (with the pic of the pugs and the yellow bar) will stall with an error before the game can open (the error said something about mscvirt.dll) If you follow the instructions on the above website, the game will install properly.Downloaded Dogz 5 from the website /u/droopyeyedjukebox recommended ( ).Downloaded the most recent version of Wine (4.9 at the time of posting) and installed it.I did it in kind of a hackneyed and roundabout way, but I'll try to explain. IT'S POSSIBLE! I haven't tried Catz 5 yet, but I imagine it should work if Dogz does? Hi all, I know this is an older thread but I recently got Dogz 5 to work on my Mac OS 10.14 (something I never in a million years believed could be done) so I just wanted to put this out there in case someone comes across this thread.

    Steam petz dogz 2